Monday, October 31, 2011

Your Door Bounces Off the Jamb Instead of Latching

All of us just swing the doors until they close. But sometimes, the slam against the strike plate and bounce open. Then we go back, turn the handle and close the door manually. So, what is wrong here? The solution may be easy.
  1. First, using WD-40, lube the latch on the lock. Shoot it in but do not let it drip all over your floor. Swing the door shut gently without touching the knob. This usually does the job.
  2. If after you lube the latch the door is still bouncing off the strike plate, the the latch is bad. Get the name off the latch and go to Lowe's. Either buy a new lock and have the attendant key it to match your key, or just buy the latch.
  3. Do not forget to check the strike plate to see if it is in the correct place.
  4. If the latch is broken, and you have a Kwikset lock, your door could get locked up.

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