Monday, March 12, 2012

When Will Locksmiths Unite and Turn Away "Locksmith Re-Sellers?"

Today, I received a package from Bass Security.  In it was a lock to be installed in a commercial establishment in the town of Decherd, Tennessee.  For those of you unfamiliar with Decherd, let me say that, in order to go to Decherd, you have to make plans.  For me, it would take one hour up and one hour back if I were to make a service call to this area.

Bass Security sent me a lock and work order and allowed a maximum charge for this job at only $95.  No wonder they didn't tell me on the phone what the job paid!  Of course, this would have been an okay price if the service was to a closer location; but this price was insufficient for a call to Decherd, Tennessee.  I called them up and told them what a huge insult their service call was.  I also asked them to send a UPS call-tag to pick up their lock.

What I would like to know from locksmiths in the United States is why we continue to accept jobs from Bass Security, Security Solutions, and other companies who are nothing more than middlemen who are marking up our services and selling us for a profit?  And why do we continue to allow companies like these to tell us how and when we will get paid?  None of these companies has ever paid me in under sixty days.  Yet, many of us are still content to give up a lock sale in exchange for a service call and labor.  But, if locksmiths band together, we can sell the hardware, the service call, and the labor!!

I would suggest that locksmiths unite and begin turning these "locksmith re-sellers" away when they call with any request.  Not only would we make more money by selling hardware, but we would also get paid on time and be able to set our own prices.

Come on, guys.  Let's just say no to those who are selling our services.  It all begins with you. Just say no.  Together, we can sink these "locksmith re-sellers" so that they can never again offer locksmith services!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for great information you write it very clean. I am very lucky to get this tips from you.

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