Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wooden Door Jamb Is Split

Everyday, I see door jambs that are split. If your door jamb is split, you will see a crack running up or down your door, emanating from the lock strike. This means that somebody has kicked you door in. If you own a new home, you can visually inspect your door to see if there is some unevenness in the paint or wood. This will tell if a split door jamb has been repaired. It must be noted here that, if a split door jamb has been put together using only wood glue, the jamb has lost integrity. Not that it had much to begin with anyway!

Consider asking your locksmith or handyman to install door jamb armor. Door jamb armor is a strip of painted metal that can be installed over the cracked wood in your jamb. Once this armor has been set in place, it is held there by extra-long screws which enter the jamb deep enough to sink into the stud behind the door jamb. This kind of installation not only properly repairs you door, but makes it more difficult for burglars to gain entrance into your home by kicking in the door.

Some companies sell what they call wraps that are installed under your locks and give the door more integrity. However, if your door is going to be seen by company, then I would not use wraps, because they never look good installed.

After you have your door armor installed, you can install an Exit Security Inc. Ring Bolt on the inside of the door. This device is said to hold up against 800 pounds of push force.

You can find door jamb enforcers at any local hardware store. Just go to the lock hardware section and ask the salesperson for help.

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