Sunday, January 1, 2012

Door Closers Designed With A Door Hold-Open Feature Are Perfect For Churches and Organizations!

If you have a commercial business, church, or other organization that needs to have outside doors that stay opened, look no further than door closers that incorporate a hold-open feature.  It is generally not a good idea to use door kick stops that have the little rubber foot attached. Why? Because most of these cannot hold up to the abuse they will get when people kick them or otherwise impact them when hauling chairs and tables through the doorway. And, if your doors are made of thin metal, the screws will eventually strip out. It is also a bad idea to use any kind of device that anchors into the concrete sidewalk because people will inevitably trip over the device and hurt themselves.

If you need to have your doors in the hold-open position, install a heavy-duty door closer. LCN makes a wonderful product that has these following qualities.
  1. Grade 1 industrial durability.
  2. Back Check feature. This means the door has a cushion that keeps it from slamming open to the extreme position, thereby saving your door, closer, and jamb from possible damage. The back check function in adjustable.
  3. Hold-open feature. Be sure that the model you order has this feature. Do know, however, that interior fire-rated doors cannot have these types of closers installed.
  4. Closing and latching speed adjustments. Over time, and with the effects of cold and hot weather, the hydraulic fluids in the closer thicken or thin, thereby affecting the speed of the close.
  5. Sizing adjustments. If you need to have your closer shutting against powerful wind, then you can adjust the spring tension in the closer. This is a simple thing to do.  Remember that, if your door is handicap accessible, as are all public access areas, then the pull force must not exceed 5 pounds. The size most often used for handicap entrances are number 3. Closer sizes, even on adjustable size closer, range from 2 to 6.

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